
The City of Takarazuka near Osaka is the representative city of culture and tourism in the Kansai region of Japan. This city is crowded with people who come to see the theater, to do shopping and to enjoy the holidays with their family on weekends. Within 30 minutes’ distance, Takarazuka attracts the family tourists and is very popular with its convenient facilities such as the hotels near the river. What was the reason Takarazuka become the representative cultural area of Japan? To understand this, we should pay attention to Kobayashi Ichizo who planned all the leisure facilities and realized them. Kobayashi wanted to make the newly-appearing salary men of middle-class into the consumers of culture. In order to attain this goal, the essential business was to construct the rail roads and to develop land for housing lots on a large scale. The important thing to him was not the art for the small group of privileged class, but the art for the whole people. He thought that the admission fee had not to be burdensome in order that the culture became familiar to people. In the case of the large-scale performances such as Kabuki or Opera, the solution should be not to raise the admission fee but to multiply the spectators without raising the admission fee. In this background, he planned to build a Grand Theater to admit thousands of people. His life offers a reference revealing how the current culture industry of Japan develops. He conducted the various businesses in order to give the mass of people the opportunity to enjoy their life of leisure and his businesses are deeply rooted in Japanese Society until these days. The first terminal-department in Japan linking rail station and shopping, the feminine theater of Takarazuka for the dreams and fantasy for women, and the family land for enjoying leisure time in suburbs show well his vision.


다카라쓰카, 국민극, 철도 기업, 백화점, 여가


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