
Although it is true that refugees are migrants, there is a huge difference in that the migration has been forced. There are lots of refugees who have suffered extremely from torture, sexual violence, etc. Also, refugees cannot receive protection from their country of nationality, and they consistently live with the fear that someday they will be deported to their country where they will be persecuted. They are also physically and mentally weak because of the prolonged refugee procedures. Therefore the social integration for these people is different in task and direction from the general migrants who come to our country with intention. We should start our discussion by identifying the rights listed in the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, and taking a look at which rights are not actually ensured in Korea. Afterwards, we will see whether the rights ensured to refugees should be broadly interpreted, and what further measures should be taken for the sufficient enjoyment of these rights, and furthermore, what other rights for the social integration should be ensured. In the end,refugees should be ensured with similar rights as nationals. It is important to approach the task and direction of social integration of refugees by securing their rights. This is especially true in situations where even the basic rights listed in the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees are not ensured to refugees. Without securing refugees’ rights, we cannot solve the problem of integration of refugees just by a beneficial approach. It is hard to imagine refugees integrating into the society with a self sustained living while they are dependent people with beneficial needs. However, our government consistently focuses on the beneficial approach, without ensuring their rights. The foundation for social integration of refugees is our society’s welcome attitude. How can we arouse the public for a more welcome attitude? First of all, we have to inform the public that we have the moral and legal obligation of protecting refugees, because they are people who are not able to return to their country in fear of persecution. Also, we should inform them that protecting refugees helps bring peace to the world. For this, the media has a great and important role. But the last stage of integration is by personal relationships. Therefore, it is important to become good friends with refugees.


난민, 사회 통합, 권리중심접근, 강제 이주민, 난민협약


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  2. [보고서] 김종철 / 2008 / 2008.국내 난민 등 인권실태조사

  3. [보고서] 황필규 / 2008 / 난민의 지위

  4. [단행본] Goodwin-Gil, G. S / 2007 / The Refugee in International Law / Oxford

  5. [단행본] Hathaway, J. C / 2006 / The Rights of Refugees under International Law / Cambridge